11x14, 16x20, 20x24, 24x30, 30x40, 40x50, 48x60



Camera: Canham 5x7 Inch Metal Field Camera, 4x5 Film Back

Lens: 150mm

Film: Fuji Provia 100F 4x5 Inch Transparency Film

Mount Tallac Reflection

Mount Tallac is my favorite peak in the Tahoe region. Not only have I climbed it many times (the view is amazing), but it is the most dramatic and beautiful peak in the Lake Tahoe Basin. In the Fall, after the first dusting or two of snow, the dark rocky peak stands out quite majestically. With a perfect mirrored reflection in Taylor Creek, Mount Tallac towers into the clouds, standing tall above the pine forest and rust colored meadow below. This is why I live here. Is there any other way to spend a Fall morning as a photographer?